This Annual Report highlights the impact of the Joint UNDP-DPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. In 2016, the Joint Programme provided support to 45 countries, including through the deployment of Peace and Development Advisors. This report provides an overview of the variety of contexts in which the Programme has engaged in, with notable results achieved strengthening peace architectures and insider mediators in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Togo; establishment of early warning systems in Cameroon and the Caribbean; as well as engagement with women and youth groups in Burundi, Malawi and the Maldives.
Since 2004, this partnership between UNDP and DPA, and increasingly PBSO, has proven itself to be an innovative and collaborative initiative that successfully enhances joint UN conflict prevention and peacebuilding efforts. The Joint Programme has engaged in over 50 countries and provided catalytic support to UN Resident Coordinators and to UN Country Teams, working to strengthen national and local capacities for conflict prevention, including through support to infrastructures for peace, dialogue, mediation, and reconciliation initiatives.